Oprah 2020? Is this really the answer?

The date was January 7th 2018. The location was the Golden Globe Awards in Beverly Hills, California. The person in question is Oprah Winfrey. 

Oprah gave a rousing speech that had a call to action feel to it. This came after a joke from host Seth Meyers that mirrored a joke he told about now - how am I saying this - President Trump.

"Some have said that night convinced him to run. So, if that's true, I just want to say: Oprah, you will never be president! You do not have what it takes. And Hanks! Where's Hanks? You will never be vice president. You are too mean and unrelatable. How we just wait and see."

Following all this, social media went berserk with presidential prospects and a campaign for 2020.

Let's be completely real here. Are people actually saying that the Presidential Election for 2020 should be between a reality TV star and a former talk show host? No matter how good Oprah is and how rousing her speech was, we're just two steps away from the elections becoming a reality TV show in itself; where candidates have to complete tasks and phone votes decide the eventual winner. This isn't X Factor.

There is no doubt that Oprah is clearly a wonderful person and can definitely be a leader. And would she be better than the buffoon who currently resides in Washington? I don't think that's even a question.

Apart of me says "take the 'W'." If people REALLY think Oprah can run and win, take it. But since when did the Presidency turn into a contest that only celebrities should be expected to win? The Rock even talked about throwing his hat into the old wrestling ring of politics.

From what I have read, many voters don't want Oprah to run for a variety of reasons, and I also don't think that Oprah is the answer to the question: who is going to stop the Trump administration?

I'm sure there are plenty of current senators and people involved in politics who are more than capable of taking on the current administration and bringing some normality and sanity to American politics. But going down the route of another celebrity isn't the road that should be walked.

Is Oprah the right person to run for President? Share and comment.

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